Commander’s Message

Welcome to The Wheelmen!

Our founder Bob McNair believed that early bicycles shouldn’t just sit in museums collecting dust; they should be ridden and demonstrated for the public as active links to the past. After more than 50 years the club has continued to evolve and adapt with multiple generations of families participating, the assimilation of reproduction bicycles and an expansion of our years of recognition from pre-1918 to 1932 and before. If you have an interest in bicycles and history I hope you will consider joining us.

We are a group of collectors, restorers, riders and historians dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of our bicycling heritage. Our members cover a wide range from those with large museum quality collections of antique bicycles to those with no bicycles at all and our culture is focused on family friendly inclusion. We have a vast wealth of knowledge and experience which members tap into while developing friendships and accessing our over 50 years of accumulated reference materials.

It’s a cliche to say the wheel was the “greatest invention of all time” and building on that, bicycles have had a significant impact of their own. The history of the bicycle is a remarkable story of technological experimentation and development which led to big social and societal changes. This makes bicycle collecting and history still a fascinating hobby for many today.

The Wheelmen is organized along the lines of the great bicycle clubs of the 19th century with state divisions having their own identifying uniforms and Annual Meets bringing together members from around the country and across the globe. Every year we hold our Annual Meet in a different location and include an Official High Wheel/Safety Tour of 10 or more miles, other rides up to a 100 mile Century, bicycle games, demonstrations for the public, tours of historic sites or points of interest, and presentations on history or restoration. We also include social events such as a Victorian Tea, ice cream social, picnic and banquet. The 58th Annual Meet will be in Baraboo, Wisconsin,  June 10-14, 2025.

State Captains lead local Divisions which organize and participate in parades, displays, group rides and other events to support and promote events related to history, cycling and other festive occasions. These events give our members the opportunity to display and demonstrate their bicycles and riding skills, costumes and memorabilia in order to educate the public.

If you are interested in becoming a member, visit our Membership web page or register here.

If you would like to arrange Wheelmen participation at your event, please visit our State Divisions web page and contact the appropriate State Captain for your location.

Nyle Blanck

Commander, The Wheelmen