Annual National Meet

57th Annual Meet
Cape May, New Jersey
June 9-13, 2024
The 2024 National Meet will be held in Historic Cape May, New Jersey from Sunday June 9th through Thursday the 13th.
The City of Cape May, known as “The Nation’s Oldest Seashore Resort”, is a popular tourist destination because of its distinction of being the second-largest collection of Victorian houses, behind San Francisco. Cape May boasts highly rated beaches, fine dining, lodging, and shopping and is even a top worldwide destination for birdwatching.
The New Jersey meet will feature our annual Century ride, an OHWT/OAST, a display and demonstration of the evolution of the bicycle. We will also have an old fashion swimsuit competition and beach games. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore the Victorian charm. Whether you take a ride on a rail bike, do some shopping at Washington Square Mall or climb the steps of the light house for spectacular views, Cape May has it all!
The hub of our meet will be around the Cape May Point Science Center, a former “retreat house” for the Sisters of Saint Joseph and is near the beach. We have made special arrangements with the Science Center to make their facilities available for our meet. They are offering us affordable rooms that are very basic in nature with no air conditioning or private baths.
The second most affordable option is motel accommodations we have negotiated just outside of the town of Cape May, but you will need to travel daily to the Science Center for meals and activities.
There are plenty of other hotels, bed & breakfasts and Airbnb’s available in a variety of price ranges if you would prefer to make your own reservations.
Registration Form to be distributed in the Winter Newsletter distributed in March and available online now at
On behalf of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Wheelmen, we look forward to welcoming you next year.
Bill Soloway, Eric Knight, Tom Carroll, Annual Meet Committee