The New England Wheelman midwinter social will be Sunday March 3rd 2019 at 11 a.m. at Luciano's in Worcester. I believe it's going to be $28 per person for adults. Cheaper for kids. Luciano's is in the beautifully restored Union Station. All women are invited. What could be nicer than New England in march? I will be sending an email out with all the information shortly. If you would like to come you're not on my email list please let me know.
Please RSVP and send check to:
George Pakuris
41 Reeland Ave
Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 738-1786 home
(401) 633-4556 cell
Adults $28
Children 6-12 $16.35
Children 2-6 $11.30