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Topics - Kurt S.

Pages: [1]
Wanting to purchase, if possible, a calendar from 1897 titled "The World of Cycling".

The artwork is by Eugene Grivaz.

The publisher is Frederick A. Stokes Company.

This is an approximated 9 x 11" , 12 page lithograph calendar with one month per subsequent locations of the images drawn of bicyclists in different countries.

The attached is what the images of the calendar would look much similar to.

P.S. If you happen to know of an example for only viewing, possibly a museum or private collection , please let me know of it's existence.  If one is available to purchase, than please respond here or email me @ 

Again my sincere thanks, Kurt

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Sager Gear Co. (research)
« on: August 28, 2019, 04:10:55 PM »
I've been attempting to get a grasp of the Sager Gear Company associated bicycles, products, history etc. 

I see they had some history going back to the late 1890's & up until the end of 1903.  However the proverbial honeypot of information has yet eluded me & the information I have found seems far too fragmented to get an understanding of the companies business undertakings.

Just hoping someone has pedaled down this path before me & can give me some insights. 

Again my most  sincere gratitude, Kurt 

Needing a headbadge for an 1892 Bicycle made by E.C. Meacham Arms, Saint Louis MO

Also seeking images or known examples of bicycles made by this company about these years.   

I have not seen a headbadge yet for this company's bicycle and would even welcome an image of one just to understand what they look like.  i have found a trademark of their which might be the bases of their headbadges, but without seeing one, I am just not sure.

Your help is greatly appreciated as always, thanks.  Kurt

the image attached is for a chain adjuster that was manufactured in 1893 for an 1894 catalog of a USA mfg. What I am hoping to learn is when this style of chain adjuster first came into use. (imported or foreign parts included)

Searching for any copies of brochures from the Kenyon Bi. Mfg Co. or the Pacemaker Bi. Co. of Des Moines Iowa.

Note; nothing currently in the Wheelmens library. 

Found the Cover to the 1893 Kenyon Bi. Mfg Co. , however it's only the cover.

Looking in reference to a Pacemaker Bicycle 1893 that was mentioned in Wheelmens Publication #51
 (note I do not have a full copy yet, have tried to order one, but the process seems a bit slow)

This post has been re-posted due to new information found about this bicycle.  It does not appear at all consistent with my findings of the Pacemaker Bicycle Company or the Kenyon Bicycle Company. 

Does anyone know of this bicycle, or are there any records of the bicycle while David Metz had it?

Who could I contact that may have notes or record of it?   

Thanks, Kurt

Currently researching the "Maryland Bicycle Club" of Baltimore Maryland.

Needing any images of these bicyclists to help identify them in a club photo.

Also needing any club rosters. ( I have added a PDF attachment of what I could put together as a club Roster for 1882-83) >>>>Roster image attached updated 3-3-19

Also needed is an example image of the "Maryland Bicycle Club" badge. 

Would also like an image of one other club's badge, the "Baltimore Bicycle club".

My most sincere and grateful thanks, Kurt Schaak

Looking to acquire a single pedal for an 1891 Victor hard tire safety.

"WE FOUND ONE; Thank you"

Wanted, a Bicycle pedal for a safety bicycle circa 1892.

Still looking for one of these pedals for the Lozier & Yost.

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