At 4:25 into this cartoon Donald's bicycle sure gets flattened! At 4:55 the bike comes out of what has to be Craig Allen's shop door (how the wrecked bicycle got there in the first place remains to be seen) as Craig is the ONLY ONE I know that could have fixed that bike! At 5:07 there is another high wheel bicycle parked on the left side of the downtown street as Donald wheels by. The odd part is that Donald leaves the bike by her mailbox and walks off down the street at the ending scene.
Two questions:
1) When Donald gets slapped by Daisy for treating the chipmunks badly, doesn't that seem like what maybe your wife or girlfriend did to you when she found out how much your antique bike cost or the cost to restore it?
2) Did some early bike collector find Donald's bike and is it known to exist today? Hummmmmm.....
Mike Cates, CA.