Author Topic: Pneumatic High Wheel Bicycle ID needed  (Read 3907 times)

mike cates

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Pneumatic High Wheel Bicycle ID needed
« on: April 28, 2020, 08:15:27 PM »
This is a photo found on ebay. Valve stems are visable on front and rear rims so pneumatic tires for sure.
Radial spoked wheels make it look out of time period with the advent of the later pneumatic tires on the rims. I realize Columbia Standard and Expert models kept their radial spoking throughout their manufacturing time line but don't know of other makes retaining this with pneumatic tires.
I had a 1892 Victor 52" high wheel bicycle with cushion tires and tangential spoked wheels which was late in high wheel period but this photo throws me a loop.
Anyone want to name it and post the year. Is it American or European manufacture?
Mike Cates, CA.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 08:18:47 PM by mike cates »