Author Topic: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears  (Read 7738 times)

Dick Rath

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Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« on: January 19, 2020, 12:06:02 PM »
On January 16th, after posting an ad on our website for the sale of a restored 1902 Hartford ladies bicycle I found that the pictures I had included in the ad failed to make it into the post. I assumed the reason had to do with the number of pictures I had included (24) so I re-typed the post with half the number of pictures (12) and that failed as well.  A while ago I posted and ad for a TOC ladies Parker bicycle with more than a dozen pictures included and that worked without any problems.  In trying to figure out what the problem might be my wife asked "is your membership current"? I thought it was but soon realized it was not.  Checking my check register I found no indication I had paid my 2020 dues.....Whoops.

Immediately I sent in  my 2020 dues payment through Paypal....that was yesterday 1/18/20.  Today is Sunday so I assume it will be a few days before my membership is reinstated but questions remains for me:  Does our website not allow pictures to be included in ads posted by none members? Is there a fixed limit to the number of pictures that can be attached to an ad?  I'm hoping someone reading this might be able to advise me on this; I'd really like to share the pictures I've take of this restoration with fellow Wheelmen. I can also be reached by email at ( ) or by phone  (518-339-7867 ).

Wayne Batten

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2020, 05:25:01 PM »
Yes Dick,  You are not the only one with the inability to post photos on this sight. If a census was taken, probably 75% of the membership is unable to post attachments. That being said, I will bet you a cup of coffee nothing will be done to rectify this problem. It has been going on for a long time. Now, this is one reason there is no activity on this site any more. You are better off posting on the CABE. Man I will tell you that site is the best to post, read etc. with no difficulty at all. If this issue is not rectified, The Wheelmen may as well shut this sight down and save the money and effort put forth. Hope your doing well Dick.

  Wayne R.Batten


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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2020, 06:47:37 PM »
I just made a post with five photos on the SALE side of the message board.
No problem.  The file size for each one was small, less than 100 KB each.

As for current membership status vs posting - there is no connection. There are 'members' on this message board that are simply 'members' of this message board and NOT formal, dues-paying members of THE WHEELMEN.

Dick Rath, since I am the membership chairman, I'll get your membership status updated tonight. Thanks for renewing!

Richard D.

Dick Rath

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2020, 01:22:48 PM »
Richard, Thank you for your response however, after trying again to post 12 pictures of the ladies Hartford Model 32 I recently restored and wasting another hour of my time the results were the same again. I clicked on "POST" and after about 5 minutes the following message appears in the center of my screen: THIS PAGE ISN'T WORKING
                                                  The is currently unable
                                                   to handle this request. 
Please note that this message refers to the old .org designation while I alway use only the .com designation when I sign on.  To say this is incredibly frustrating would be an understatement.  After reading Wayne Batten's reply here I'm beginning to agree with him.  One of the reasons I belong to our organization is the ability to buy and sell items on our website;  however not being able to post pictures of items wanted or for sale takes much of the value out of this feature. If I am doing something wrong or missing something in the posting procedure please let me know.



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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2020, 04:37:00 PM »
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Why not send me a couple of the typical photos you're trying to post here.
I'll see what happens when I try it.
Send to

Wayne Batten

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2020, 06:14:21 PM »
Richard,  It would be nice if the administrator would do a detailed outline of the way to post photos on this site. How ever I believe the administrator of this site does not care. I am a computer dummy and I have tried many time and this site will not accept my attachments.



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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2020, 10:04:19 PM »
Duly noted.
e-mail sent to admins

"It's being worked on."
"The next Newsletter will have an article about what's being done for the message board."
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 11:03:44 PM by DelombardR »

Paul Rubenson

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2020, 11:11:18 PM »
The complaints are legitimate and I know our volunteer webmasters will do what they can.  But comparisons to theCABE irritate me.  The Wheelmen is a physical club whose mission is to preserve cycling history and to physically meet, display, and ride antique bicycles for the public.  The website supports that mission by helping members to connect with each other, to talk about early cycling and its preservation, and to spread the word about the club.  In contrast theCABE is primarily if not only a website.  It is a truly excellent website, but I expect it to be a good website because that's the essence of what it is.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 12:13:37 AM by Paul Rubenson »

Ron Miller

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2020, 12:32:04 PM »
Hello all,    I also had problems but eventually realized that if I reduced the file size it shouldld work. And it did.  There are a few ways to reduce the file size.  Crop the photos I think helps.  Reduce the resolution is the best I think.  Other more knowledgable computer types may know other ways.
Good luck,

Tyson Brown

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Re: Postings by members whose dues are in arrears
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2020, 08:54:05 AM »
Ron Miller, good detective work, permitted file type and size would good information to know before creating a post. I looked under the Wheelmen site Help menu but this is all that I could find "The permitted file types and sizes are set by the forum administrator". Absolutely no indication of what those requirements might be. It would be very helpful if the administrator would provide the file type and size requirements at the top of the forum page or at least in the help menu so we know before hand what file types and sizes will work and what will not.