Author Topic: Many thanks to all Wheelmen who attended our marvelous 52nd Meet!  (Read 3030 times)


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The 52nd Annual Meet of the Wheelmen in Sedalia Missouri was a resounding success!  Meet Captain James Allen and wife Billie Jo welcomed 145+ attendees who drove from all parts east, west, north and south to make new friends, see old friends and enjoy a "Rootin Tootin Good Time!"

A special thanks goes out to the people of Sedalia who welcomed us with open arms, led by Dr. Doug Kibburz, the Sedalians hosted our Century Ride rest stop on the Katy Trail, crafted one of a kind trophies for race participants, shared the history of their wonderful town.....and joined the Wheelmen!

We had numerous folks signing up at the Registration Table, they were taken with the sights of the antique wheels rolling down the streets and the shady Katy Trail Century Day.

The local newspaper, the Sedalia Democrat did a wonderful job of covering the Saturday antique races and demos.  Please click the link below to see all the photographs.

Also on Facebook, check out the Wheelmen Page to see many videos of the Youth Cycle Corp, the races, and all the photographs of the Wheelmen!

In the next few days, there will be a link on another topic where you can view the official Meet photographs and order your own!  For those of you that pre-paid for your photograph, those will be mailed out to you very soon.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 09:47:58 AM by atorpey1 »


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Re: Many thanks to all Wheelmen who attended our marvelous 52nd Meet!
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2019, 09:00:13 AM »
Thanks for all your efforts and making me feel so welcome!
I had the time of my life and thanks to 150 friends I was able to overcome my crippling case of Ordinariphobia!
 Just sitting and listening to the conversations about past meets and hunting down old treasures was just fascinating!
 If I had been thinking on my feet I could have recreated a Texas Wheelmen photograph, where the subjects were dressed more like cowboys.
I have already verified that Amtrak will transport my 48” Ordinary to Dearborn so I hope to make next years meet, Lord willing, and the creek don’t rise!