Author Topic: what happened to our club?  (Read 13088 times)


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what happened to our club?
« on: October 27, 2018, 01:20:59 AM »
I check this web site once a day, I think I'm the only one still watching. Is everyone else who used to be here out spending their lottery winnings? (or in jail?)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 12:13:34 AM by 55inchwheel »

mike cates

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 09:49:29 AM »
Personally, for me, when this website changed is where 99% of the members have become frustrated just to get on it and have not gone further. Initially, it sounded like it was going to be much more user friendly which was encouraging.
Prior to this current website, battles over posting photos via storing them on another system then transferring them to our site lost mostly everyone who is not computer savvy, myself included, and it seemed "expected" that everyone should know "how" to operate these systems.
With the current site, only one picture can be posted per topic, as I can figure out anyway. Let me know if multiple photos can be added to a single post.
We are a club of people interested in old bicycles and most of the bicycles are held, as with a great amount of knowledge, by older collectors, myself included, who have had their means to communicate choked off even further.
We are all paying dues unlike THE CABE that has a easier way of posting and editing and NO DUES are paid to that site and without a formal membership.
I asked Scott McCaskey did anyone from The Wheelmen ever ask him or Dave Stromberg (sp?) how they set up their site and he said someone had talked to him ONCE sometime ago but where did this information go that would have been invaluable to this site?
Let's face it, The Wheelmen Newsletter that is mailed out still finds the older off line collectors where a vast amount of knowledge lies and without their interaction, handing this off to younger members so it doesn't get lost in history, The Wheelmen as a club, will and has already suffered.
Mike Cates, CA.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 10:03:48 AM by mike cates »

Craig Allen

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2018, 10:03:00 AM »
Good points Mike, but I'm a little optimistic about the future of the club and this website. I think people will eventually come back even if in drips and drabs.

mike cates

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2018, 10:09:21 AM »
Thanks Craig and I know you are concerned and applaud your optimistic approach.
It's the loss of the time it will take for the older generation or computer challenged to get back on, if they ever will..
Collectors sadly pass away or members get frustrated with what we have online and there goes decades of knowledge that should be shared as this is what part of The Wheelmen credo is that has been kept alive since it's inception.

Mike Cates, CA.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 10:20:45 AM by mike cates »

David Brown

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2018, 12:58:00 PM »
 I had no problem  posting 6 pictures at on time.

Wayne Batten

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2018, 02:56:09 PM »
I agree. This here computerized system is a little difficult for some of us old timers that does not have the time to be learned new devices. I used to read the old site regularly. I now review this site about 3 times a day hoping I will find a good deal. But I have not found one yet. If you follow the CABE, that is where the action is. Now, the old Wheelmen site was quite interesting and humorous until some of the top notch knowledgeable old time Wheelmen were kicked off this site. It has been down hill ever since. Hopefully they will be invited back to participate on this site, while these people can answer a lot of questions from the knowledge in there heads. Then we will all be able to play nice again.

Craig Allen

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2018, 03:22:09 PM »
Personally I have a hard time understanding the concept that  some people are not computer savvy. It is not someone else's fault. If someone is not good at computers, then go learn. There are any number of local county colleges that offer computer courses. If the college scene is not appropriate, hire a private tutor. Or better yet, get the grandkids to teach. Everybody will have a lot of fun doing it.


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2018, 12:03:45 PM »
I haven't had problems posting pics. I do think the club is suffering in some areas of the country. Other areas are thriving, actually growing. IMO it comes down to each state chapter, and how much time and effort you want to put into it. If state captains aren't active, participation and interest drops off. This new site will grow. Give it time. Be positive and participate.

Brad Drexler

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2018, 09:50:53 PM »
The Wheelmen page on Facebook overtook this site. Plus it is extremely easy to post pictures.


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2018, 05:18:03 PM »
I agree with Brad. My little boy draws pictures and posts them on Facebook.
I'm going to post some photographs, I think they are much better than my sons pictures.
the trouble with pictures, first you must draw them, then photograph them (or scan them), then convert them to a jpeg or gif file, then upload that file to the site.

Following the 'easy peasy' instructions Richard posted, I have loaded a pic followed by a photograph. I'm partial to the photograph as compared to a pic.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 12:20:35 PM by 55inchwheel »


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2018, 10:06:38 PM »
Not sure what is difficult about adding images.
You start an item and click the Plus Sign by ATTACHMENTS AND OTHER OPTIONS
The click the BROWSE word and select the image file from your computer.
Want more images? Hit the MORE ATTACHMENTS


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2018, 10:12:33 PM »
The wheelmen in my state, Indiana, where I have been state captain for two years have been very hard to get to do anything or to attend any function. This past weekend was the first time in over two years that any have showed up at a display or demo. In 2016, my wife was state captain, and, because it was the state bicentennial we had lots of requests to go places. After the first three, nobody showed up the rest of the year. We put over 3000 miles on my car and trailer instate, going to the events. We earned enough money to buy two pop up tents, make a $1000.00 donation to national, and still have a little in the bank. I am resigning as state captain as of January 1st, and despite several emails, no one has offed to take over. If there is no response, the national commander will have to find someone to do the job. I have always tried to be friendly and helpful within the group, but at this point, I give up! It just isn't worth it. June and I are still undecided as to our further membership in the group. She has been the costume chairman, and had been working on revising the costume bulletin for a good while. She was pushed hard all this past spring and summer to get it done, and then it wasn't posted until I got fed up and really pushed those in charge to do so! It's up now, not that anyone ever reads it!

 How many of you know how the leaders of the group are actually elected? It turns out, the most recent past commander is supposed to get nominees for vice commander, who present resumes for consideration, and then all the past national commanders are the only ones who really get to vote on who gets the job. This year, there were nine past commanders, which means they go back 18 years? How many are still active, know the nominee, and their qualifications? Are all nine even voting? Then that person is voted in at the business meeting at the national meet. Now I think that someone might be able to be nominated from the floor, but it never happens, and I don't remember it even being offered. The rest of the offices are hand picked by those in power as well. It would seem more correct for the past commanders/executive board to present two or  more candidates to the voting members  at the business meeting, and let them chose. That would take a change of the rules and would have to be proposed one year, and voted on the next.

Craig Allen

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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2018, 06:38:29 AM »
Those are good suggestions for candidates but how will that motivate rank and file members to attend local events like parades or demos? We have the exact same problem here in New Jersey. Since the mid 1980's, the New Jersey Wheelmen have lost a good two thirds of its' membership. Nobody rides a bike anymore.


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2018, 12:32:04 PM »
June and I are still undecided as to our further membership in the group. She has been the costume chairman, and had been working on revising the costume bulletin for a good while. She was pushed hard all this past spring and summer to get it done, and then it wasn't posted until I got fed up and really pushed those in charge to do so! It's up now, not that anyone ever reads it!

Please thank your dear wife for the uniform bulletin! It has been a great help to me as I attempt to make my own!


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Re: what happened to our club?
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2018, 03:18:26 PM »
Craig, sorry, I was addressing two separate problems, both related to the issues of the club. I blame the Internet for many of the attendance and activity problems. In the past, when I joined in 1992, the way to exchange information on bikes was to go to a meet, show the bike off, and ask questions. Even a parade or display had people to whom questions could be asked, and  references made- I don't know the answer but Joe in Kokomo is an expert on that brand and he can help! Now, instead of getting out and going to meet people, all they do is get on the computer and zip, they have the answer. Photos are exchanged, and as on this website, dozens of people can offer advice! Just a modern fact of life! I have no idea how to motivate people to get out and participate. There are also so many extra activities that youngsters are involved in on a daily basis, and they "can't" miss one of them to go to a bike activity! This means the parents or grandparents might miss little Susie, or  Johnny in their big moment in sports, dancing or whatever! So mom, dad, granny, and grandpa won't show up either! No easy answer! And upcoming generations seem even less interested in bikes, cars to haul bikes etc. Judging from posts from other countries, the high wheel and antique bike riding seems to be growing.