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General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Pneumatic High Wheel Bicycle ID needed
« Last post by mike cates on April 28, 2020, 08:15:27 PM »
This is a photo found on ebay. Valve stems are visable on front and rear rims so pneumatic tires for sure.
Radial spoked wheels make it look out of time period with the advent of the later pneumatic tires on the rims. I realize Columbia Standard and Expert models kept their radial spoking throughout their manufacturing time line but don't know of other makes retaining this with pneumatic tires.
I had a 1892 Victor 52" high wheel bicycle with cushion tires and tangential spoked wheels which was late in high wheel period but this photo throws me a loop.
Anyone want to name it and post the year. Is it American or European manufacture?
Mike Cates, CA.
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: c1890 Convertible Safety
« Last post by mike cates on April 25, 2020, 04:19:14 PM »
1890 Starley Psycho Catalog models.
Mike Cates, CA.
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: c1890 Convertible Safety
« Last post by Jeff Kidder on April 24, 2020, 09:56:58 PM »
Psycho ad from April 12, 1889 issue of Bicycling World and LAW Bulletin:
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: c1890 Convertible Safety
« Last post by Jeff Kidder on April 24, 2020, 09:39:06 PM »
It looks a lot like a 1889 Psycho. Catalog images and period ads are very close except do not show the curved brace at bottom of frame, but this could have been added after catalogs were printed. For 1889 they made a men's and ladies' versions which looked similar except men's had 30" wheels and ladies' had 29" wheels. 1890 version has a full curved dropped frame.

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / c1890 Convertible Safety
« Last post by joe on April 24, 2020, 04:54:35 PM »
Here's another mystery bike for savvy Wheelmen.
Stoddard and Stover came to mind, but I'm not finding good results there.
Maybe Rudge?

Joe Breeze
Marin Museum of Bicycling
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: Mystery Wood-frame Bike
« Last post by joe on April 24, 2020, 04:50:13 PM »
Knock me over with a feather, Jeff.
Great to see your answer!
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and this old forum will be kept as an archive link.

You can also navigate there by going to and searching the last page on the right under the "...".

All users will need to re-register.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you there.
Attention Wheelmen!

We will be featuring “Wheelmen Today and Yesterday” in the Newsletter. I have buy-in from Gary Sanderson as editor of the Magazine, and this is a great way for each of us to share the history of our organization from both now and then.

Do you have a great photo or memory you would like to share? If so, please consider sending in your photo and a story to the newsletter!

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