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Thank you and also pass along to him that I have a LOT of antique bicycles, accessories, lamps, cyclometers, catalogs and sundries For Sale that I haven't advertised yet as well.
Mike Cates
(760) 473-6201
Mike, I will pass this along to the buyer. He is in the process of collecting a wide variety of antique bicycles for display in a bicycle museum he intends to open when he retires in a few years.  He has asked to keep confidential his personal information and I have respected his wishes although I am not privy to his motive. 
I have an original 1902 HARTFORD catalog with a beautiful and ornate colored cover which is rare for that time period if you or the new owner of your nicely restored machine is interested.
It would compliment it perfectly.
Mike Cates
(760) 473-6201
FYI:  The 1902 Ladies Hartford Model 32 posted in my ad on January 18th has been sold to a buyer in Switzerland.
Here is a original and useable one inch pitch block chain of the Elliott Self Oiling pattern. It will need oiling and freeing up of some links but nothing to be concerned about for installation on a rideable bicycle. It was used on Elliott Hickory and Columbia Cushion Tire and Pneumatic Tire Safeties and other makes. It is a uniquely  designed chain in that there is a piece of felt pressed into a through hole in each block that holds drops of oil to continually lubricate the pins of each block link (see 2nd photo down showing felt in through hole between side plate ends). Elliott's claim is that the chain could be oiled at far less intervals than a standard designed block chain. The blocks are flat top & bottom and the side plates are symmetrical profile varying from the block profile. The block width is .438" and distance between plates is .455". It's length is 46" pin-to-pin and has the original slotted and threaded master link pin and nut. These chains are hard to find in useable condition.
I haven't seen this offered at Copake Antique Bicycle Auction 2020.
$200 plus $8.30 USPS Small Flat Rate Box to the lower 48 states.
Mike Cates, CA.
(760) 473-6201 Voice Calls/Your Message and No Texts Please
Just found these sections of original Block Chain in rusty shape but good to complete an unrestored original display bike or wall hanger. Could be loosened up by soaking in penetrating oil and using some elbow grease. One inch pitch, laminated blocks made up of 6 laminates each , blocks profile are flat tops with concave bottoms, .520" block width, side plates are symmetrical profile varying from the block profile. One section is 24" pin-to-pin, one section is 19 1/2" pin-to-pin and one short section is as shown in photos.
This type chain was used on Lozier, and other brand HTS and CTS bicycles.
$75.00 + $8.30 USPS Small Flat Rate Box Shipping to the lower 48 states.
I haven't seen this offered at Copake Antique Bicycle Auction 2020.
Mike Cates, CA.
(760) 473-6201 Voice Calls/Your Message and No Texts Please
Just a short note to say that Dave's Star is still for sale -- I saw it earlier today.   I still have the higher resolution photos if anyone is interested.
-- Doug
Getting out all your requests for catalogs to you and still finding more catalogs, ad's and bicycle component manufacturers to the industry(frames, tires, saddles, wheels, chains, spokes, rims, handlebars, etc).
Keep your requests coming as this is a LOT of historical information that needs to accompany your bicycles or be in your library.
Mike Cates, CA.
(760) 473-6201 Voice Calls Only and No Texts Please
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: Thistle bicycle decal photo needed
« Last post by mike cates on January 29, 2020, 11:59:31 PM »
In the mass of antique bicycle catalogs I am currently selling there are both the 1895 and 1897 advanced and regular catalog showing mans, ladies, mans-mans and mans-ladies tandems of the Thistle brand.
There are no head badge shots in the catalogs but both covers show a flowering design with thistles within the flowers.
Both catalogs for $200 and are rare as a lot of my catalogs that I am selling are a mix of well known brands and also the obscure brands.

Anyone looking for original catalogs for their bicycles should contact me and I can email you a PDF of all the catalogs I have listed so far as I go through this mountain of amazing paper.

Mike Cates, CA.
(760) 473-6201
The complaints are legitimate and I know our volunteer webmasters will do what they can.  But comparisons to theCABE irritate me.  The Wheelmen is a physical club whose mission is to preserve cycling history and to physically meet, display, and ride antique bicycles for the public.  The website supports that mission by helping members to connect with each other, to talk about early cycling and its preservation, and to spread the word about the club.  In contrast theCABE is primarily if not only a website.  It is a truly excellent website, but I expect it to be a good website because that's the essence of what it is.
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