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Topics - joe

Pages: [1]
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / c1890 Convertible Safety
« on: April 24, 2020, 04:54:35 PM »
Here's another mystery bike for savvy Wheelmen.
Stoddard and Stover came to mind, but I'm not finding good results there.
Maybe Rudge?

Joe Breeze
Marin Museum of Bicycling

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Mystery Wood-frame Bike
« on: March 27, 2020, 02:24:55 AM »
I have a c1900 bike with a wood frame and fork. Each have blackened metal lugs, perhaps made of brass. And of course, wooden rims and handlebars.

Anyone have a clue who made this bike?

Joe Breeze
Marin Museum of Bicycling

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / c1900 Crescent Model 16
« on: February 24, 2020, 01:08:53 AM »
Our museum acquired a c1900 Crescent Model 16 ladies bike. I'm hoping to learn its model year. Serial# 562768.
Please see our Model 16 photos attached.

We have a Crescent Model 32 that's very similar (Serial# 359046). Not sure of its year either.

Joe Breeze
Marin Museum of Bicycling
Fairfax, CA

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / c1900 Mead Sentinel
« on: February 21, 2020, 09:28:27 PM »
Our museum acquired a c1900 Mead Sentinel for ladies. The frame has a fantastic finish, which appears to be original. Joinery is in nickel. The paint pattern I'll call "rosebud," with swirls of red paint on a black background. Fine floral filagree flourishes near the joints. Aluminum filigree chain guard by The Turner Brass Works (patent Apr. 13, 1897). Handy Automatic Brake (last patent 1899). Sterling silver handgrips are monogrammed "L. N. M." Serial number is 58663.

I'd like to learn more about these Sentinels of the period. Date built, options available. Was this finish available from Mead?

Joe Breeze, curator
Marin Museum of Bicycling
Fairfax, CA

Could anyone please tell who bought this 1891 Union Model 12 full-suspension bike from the 2013 Copake Auction?

I recently acquired a Model 12, but it's missing the suspension pivot bolts. Pretty complete otherwise.
I'm hoping to find examples to machine new ones.

Or maybe there are other Model 12 owners out there who'd be willing to lend this pivot hardware?


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