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Topics - robike

Pages: [1]
General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / LAW head badge on a bike
« on: March 08, 2020, 10:02:21 PM »
Just curious as to how many headbadges anyone has ever seen custom made for a wheelmen member on a bike.  This is on a custom made tandem I purchased some years ago.  Looks like made by a jeweler or someone professional, as it is very nice and has the wheelmens name and his LAW number on it.

I was contacted by the St. Johns historical museum in reference to purchasing a high wheel for permanent display at their museum.  I have loaned them one in the past, but now they want their own bike.  They were looking at a replica and I told them to wait until I could see what I could find.  This will never be ridden but needs to be presentable and stand on its own. They have a budget of aprox. $1200 so if you have a wall hanger we can make look presentable, please let me know.  I personally have a soft spot for this group, as it was being in the bike band that Alex Pollack did in 1992 that got me into antique bikes in the first place. 

I am bringing a 55" Singer Apollo to Copake to sell in the swap meet if any one is interested. Just thought I would let the Wheelmen know.
See in on Friday!!

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Jim Ogland contact
« on: March 18, 2019, 10:10:00 AM »
Any one have contact with Jim Ogland family.  I want to order his book but not sure who to make check out to and no one is answering the phone listed in the wheelman newsletter.  If you have contact with that family, could you let me know how to proceed.   Thanks Randy

I am looking for a medium or large Wheelmen jersey that was sold by the Wisconsin or Illinois Wheelman about 15 years ago.  They are yellow and purple.  If you have one and are interested in selling it please contact me at 734-625-5210.  I understand that this could be a used item, that is ok.

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