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General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / early hingehead safety
« on: August 20, 2019, 03:45:10 PM »
Still trying to identify my hingehead cushion tire safety. Research revealed a Union that is very similar? Can anyone add more info?

Also have a mint Rutgers headbadge, but haven't found any info about Rutgers bicycles. Again, any info is appreciated.

I posted an request earlier on the buy/sell tab to help identify an early hingehead cushion tire safety that I'm beginning to restore. No info so far, but here is a detail that may help narrow the possibilities. Where the spokes cross, they are soldered, but not wound with wire as usually used. There is a small figure 8 brass tie that holds the spokes together.
Anyone recognize a brand that used this process??

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Rutgers Head Badge
« on: May 19, 2019, 07:44:47 PM »
I have a nice head badge, but haven't found any information on the internet and it's not listed in the List of Bicycles on this website.
Any help is appreciated.

Can anyone help me identify this cushion tire safety? Would like to acquire copies of literature. Also need fenders and chain guard.

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