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Topics - David Brown

Pages: [1]
 For sale New Sager B2 Saddle   I made and sold about 11 of these Saddles and still have a couple. All parts are new and made by me . Saddle is 11 long 8 wide inches The seat post clamp and rear spring mount are not nickeled and will leave that for buyer. All parts where water jet cut. 325.00 US plus what ever it cost to mail.any question just ask and I will try and help.  Get back to me here or

  If your looking for Bicycle saddles US  or other,you should check out Paul Watson  in Australia. I have been dealing with Paul for a few years now and am Most satisfied with anything he has done for me.

 I am looking for spokes for my Stearns Yellow Fellow. The spokes are like the picture in the post, I hope, as I am having trouble getting the picture uploaded and seeing the preview. Spokes have to be 12 3/8 long. If nothing turns up I will make them

General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Stearns Yellow Fellow
« on: August 08, 2018, 01:51:51 PM »
 Can someone tell me if the Wheelmen have  reprint copies of Stearns bicycle catalogs. 1896 7 8 9.   Who might I contact about catalogs? Not sure on the year I have but thinking 97or98
Regards dave Brown

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