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Messages - Greg Barron

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when will we need to re-register?

I still have a brake handle for a Victor LR should anyone need it. Cast steel, polished nickle finish. $250


What's the latest on Copake? Postponed?

 So, this year I got a really cool Triple with a springer fork. Unfortunately, this year has also been probably the worst in the 46 years we've been doing what we do. As a result, I am looking at moving off some of the stuff here, the Triple included and am open to discussion. So, if you are interested in a rare bike for your collection or use, give me a call and we can talk. 510-769-0980. Greg

This was on eBay and I sent you a note about it mentioning the points that were brought up in the thread. You're a bit high on the price you are asking. But, it's your bike and lightning could strike. Though if I recall, yous aid you were selling it for someone?


That bike has to be from about 2000 there abouts. It was before I was able to get swaging work done for the frame tubes.


General discussions on Wheelmen topics. / Re: New TheWheelmen "look"
« on: December 13, 2019, 11:53:14 AM »
As a suggestion. For future significant changes to the site, perhaps an email to the membership announcing the change and what to expect? As it was, I thought there was an issue with the site when I logged on. Took me a minute to recognize that it had been changed up.


Not sure the Rittenhouses still have material Dick. Though for anyone that has to have some Rittenhouse rubber, I have a bunch of the old stock sitting in the warehouse. Pale redish kind of the color of old Bazooka gum. Some of the membership have to have that color... 7/8". Maybe enough for 5 bikes? $250 plus UPS.


I do have solid material up to 1 1/2" wide at this point that can be wired down. It's heavy but it works.


Last I spoke to Paul, he was done making bikes close to 2 years back at this point.


I think someone actually contacted me about this bike. I have a rim available but they didn't want to get it sooooo... That one looks truable though so maybe they went that way?

That's one of the infamous rebar bikes made in 1972-73 that had so many people up in arms for so long but thanks cause I'd never seen that clip before!

I have a bunch of pictures of carriers that customers have sent in to be posted on my website in the customer picture section. Go have a look, might help.

Not sure why this isn't posting but here it is again and if it goes on repeat, sorry.

How about a 50" Royal Mail that needs the new rims from Victory installed still? I've got one.


 Hi Dick,
  Am I correct in saying that all 3 wire jobs were solder joints? Wanna try my twist method? I don't like heat on my wires at all, not to disparage those that like it. I just feel that if it was good enough to do when the bikes were made and it still works now, why change. Not to say I don't know of at least a couple wires that broke using my method but I know that when those break it's because the wire is tensioned too much and as it folds, it gets thinner and can snap. But having done literally several thousands of tires with this method, I can say it works pretty well. And I have a neat video showing how to install it. No heat required.


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